Great Things to Give & Receive (Vol. I)
A Browser History gift guide for the holidays. Maybe part of a series, maybe not.
I’ve been told that gift giving is my “love language.” Which just means it’s how I best express my affection and admiration for people. And it’s true, I approach gift-giving like a science — tucking clues away whenever they’re dropped, planning occasional surprises, and generally not being able to wait until a birthday or holiday to give them.
On the reverse, I’ve also been told I am impossible to shop for. I’m picky, impetuous and spendy, rarely waiting to be given something I can buy myself. These aren’t great qualities around the holidays. Knowing how exacting I can be for myself, I force myself to be equally exacting for others (it’s only fair).
With that said, these are some things I have given over the years that have been well-received. They’re all also things that I either own or have asked for (...many times in some cases). If you like what you see below, keep an eye out for my men’s focused gift guide for
, coming soon.
Luxury Scissors: Things that people would never splurge on in the real world make perfect gifts. Most people wouldn’t think to spend more than $10 on a pair of scissors. But having a nice pair on hand at your desk or in your kitchen drawer instantly makes you feel more “together.” I prefer dressmaker scissors for all occasions, but have linked a few options above. I love the gold ones from Forsyth (which have mysteriously gone missing). Runner up would be the Sheffield silver ones, but they’re tough to get and always on backorder. (Worth noting finding something at Salter House for $30 feels like a steal.)

The Salt Monster: There is no more charming interior talent than Beata Heuman. Most of her goods are exceedingly expensive and made to order. The simplest way to bring some of her magic to your home is the Monster Pinch salt container. We use it for dog treats. Maybe we’ll fill it with cigarettes for a party, I don’t know.

Best Made Strong Box: This past year, Peter Buchanan Smith bought back the rights to his much-loved Best Made Co. It was sold off to Duluth Trading Co. at some point but he has been spending the better part of the last 12 months carefully reintroducing the brand and some of its big hits. I have many of these trinket boxes stashed around our house. They’re perfect for passports, important documents and maybe a secret or two. Be sure to check out their “short supply” section for more limited edition items.

Expensive Giant Candle: Save this for somebody who really deserves it. Or ask for it. I have a very generous family member who has given my wife and I this for a couple of years running. Last year, our dog sitter burned it (only lighting one wick) and basically ruined it. I have not recovered from this betrayal. But, it lasts forever and makes a great planter or container after it’s burned. Feu De Bois is the scent to go with in my honest opinion, but there are a variety to choose from.

Animal Lemon Squeeze: There’s very little from Gohar World I wouldn’t want in my house. Everything they design has just the right mix of fun, surrealism and style. They’re not cheap, but this three piece set of animal lemon squeezers seemed like a lot for a reasonable amount of money. Pretty sure they’ll just do a slice, but seems like a great gift for somebody who wants to entertain. Or drinks a lot.

Clinking Glasses: Drinking, in moderation, is a big part of our household. Though now half as big since my wife is pregnant. But we love to celebrate anything with a drink or a glass of champagne. I bought these coupes for her one year, and the manhattan glasses the following year. I got the martini ones for my mother. They come out at every opportunity and the simple details always crack a smile.

The Lego Ice Tray: This is notoriously hard to find, and will likely be sold out soon. The Lego website hasn’t had them in stock for at least a year. But, Room Copehagen, who manufactures them as part of a collaboration, has some available on their Amazon storefront. Nostalgia is always welcome at Christmas.

Fancy Matches: It seems silly to buy nice matches for yourself. After all, you’ve probably got a few books hanging around from weddings or restaurants. But silly is a great qualifier for a gift. I stand by the Fredericks and Mae matches as my favorite, but also love the tiger packaged ones. The engraved matchbox pictured also comes with the pictured matches.

More Fire-Related Stuff: I am one of those people that has a lot of taper candles that aren’t meant to be burned. My wife, an occultist of sorts, tends to burn all candles when an occasion calls for it. Just the other day, I cleaned out our SIN candleholder and restocked it with some fresh tapers. I’ve loved founder Vigrinia Sin’s work for years and will never not recommend it. And if your giftee prefers a glass candle, perhaps a classic and not-oft-seen cloche. (More people should use these.)

A Stupid Little Tray: Everybody needs a stupid little tray. A place to put their naked earbuds, their keys, some loose change, a matchbook — whatever. Stupid little trays are great and you can never have too many. I’ve seen tables covered in them in that sort of maximalist John Derian way. These are good ones.

Charms to Ward Off Evils: Let me tell you it is much harder to rid yourself of a demon than it is to ward them off. So just take my word for it that any protection charms should always be welcome. We’ve been dealing with Malocchio on and off for like two years. Pesky! The mano cornuto will protect from Malocchio, the smokeless smudge will purify, and the evil eye will keep you safe.

Wildflower Seed Cannon: I always forget to order these as stocking stuffers or gifts. The concept is simple — pop the cannon and out comes tons of biodegradable confetti laced with wildflower seeds. You may have to hang on to them until the spring, but if you end up with a spot full of flowers, what’s a few months?

Vessels: I love vessels. They seem to pile up as we continue to fill our house with things and cosplay as maximalists. We have weird ones, funny ones, tiny ones, useless ones, and all kinds in between. Though we’re running out of space and have to start thinking about decorating our nursery, a few of these are gonna end up on our list this year.

Polaroid Camera Magic Thing: As an elder millennial, I’m a sucker for anything that feels like the early 90s. A few years ago, I got this printer as a gift and have been giving it to others ever since. It’s simple: You place your phone on this printer, press a button, and then it prints out a perfectly colored polaroid photo. (Tricky to get with an actual camera!) We use it after every vacation and throw the photos in a dark box to preserve them.
And of course, don’t forget some very fancy, very beautiful, very luxurious wrapping paper to pull it all together. (This is a shameless plug for the wrapping paper store my wife and I run.)
Until next time,
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This is such a good gift guide. I bought the salt monster for my sister who is a home goods snob, impossible to shop for, and a huge fan of Beata!
I needed to come back here and tell you that I got the Polaroid printer for a friend who is very hard to shop for, and he LOVED it. I've never seen him so excited about a gift/material item before. My other two friends demanded a link so they could buy one. So, thank you!
I also bought the Lego ice molds for my boyfriend's Lego-obsessed 12-year-old. I think they will be a hit!